West Virginia State Board of
Registration for Professional Engineers
Continuing Education

As a condition of registration renewal, every registrant shall show evidence that he or she obtained a minimum of thirty (30) professional development hours (PDH's) during the respective biennial renewal period. If a registrant exceeds the continuing education requirement in any biennial renewal period, he or she may carry a maximum of fifteen (15) PDH's forward into the subsequent renewal period.

Consult the following table to verify the conversion of other units of credit to PDH units:

Development Activity PDH's
1 College or unit semester course (3 credit hours) 45
1 College or unit quarter course (3 credit hours) 30
1 Continuing Education Unit 10
1 Hour in course work, seminars, professional conventions, workshops 1
1 Hour of teaching in course work, seminars, professional conventions, workshops 2
Each published paper or patent on engineering subjects 10


Each registrant is responsible for his or her own professional development activities.  The registrant shall maintain the records to be used to support credits claimed for professional development activities.  These records shall be maintained for three renewal periods.  Copies of these records and supporting documentation may be requested by the Board for audit verification purposes.

Consult ยง7-1-10 of the West Virginia State Registration Law for Professional Engineers for details on acceptable records and exemptions.

Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) Tracking System

At a meeting on November 2, 2016, and after the printing of our Fall 2016 Board newsletter, the West Virginia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers voted to allow registrants to check a box on the 2016 online renewal certifying that they have met the Continuing Professional Competency requirements as outlined in WV Engineering  Law (WV Legislative Rules 7-1-10) during the biennial renewal period (or other qualifying period for new or reinstated licensees).  Submission of a detailed description of the PDHs obtained will no longer be required at the time of renewal.  Only registrants randomly selected for audit following the close of this renewal period will be required to submit detailed records to support the credits claimed at the time of renewal. 

WV Engineering Law now requires WV PE licenses to be renewed biennially in late November and December of even numbered years. As a condition of WV PE renewal, every registrant must:

  • Certify that he or she has met the continuing education requirements (obtained the minimum of thirty (30) PDHs) prior to the biennial renewal period; and
  • Indicate the total number of PDHs obtained during the qualifying renewal period; and
  • Indicate the total number of requested carryover hours (up to a maximum of 15 PDHs) to be used during the next biennial renewal.

Due to this new policy, the Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) Tracking System on our website has been discontinued.  Please be reminded this decision was made AFTER printing of the Fall 2016 newsletter.  If you used the WV CPC Tracking System in the past few months and wish to obtain a copy of the CPC information you previously entered, please email a request to info@wvpebd.gov.

If you wish to track your PDHs online, NCEES now offers a free CPC tracking tool.  Information about the NCEES CPC Tracking System is available at http://ncees.org/cpc.

West Virginia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers
300 Capitol Street - Suite 910, Charleston, West Virginia  25301
(304) 558-3554   |   info@wvpebd.gov

Site Last Updated 1/18/2025